California Voluntary Protection Program - Construction

Cal/VPP Construction (for non-fixed sites)
The Cal/VPP Construction Program is designed specifically for employers with non-fixed worksites. Eligible employers with fixed worksites should be encouraged to apply for SHARP or Cal/VPP Star recognition. Cal/VPP Construction companies are considered workplace safety and health leaders within their industry. Individual California worksites under the control of a Cal/VPP Construction employer are recognized as worksites expected to have significantly lower risk for serious accidents than other employer's worksites within the same industry. In turn, this allows Cal/OSHA to focus its programmed inspection efforts on other worksites.
Cal/VPP Construction applicants must be able to demonstrate active management commitment to and active employee involvement in their safety and health management system. The employer must also demonstrate that they are maintaining their safety and health management systems oversight and control at applicant worksites in California and that their systems are effective in reducing accidents and injuries at the sites.
The Cal/VPP Construction application and approval process is managed through Cal/OSHA Consultation Services On-Site Assistance Program. When achieved, the Cal/VPP Construction program status will be granted to the employer for the construction site specified in the application, and will be applicable for a period of three years at the specific construction site named in the application.
Resources on Cal/VPP Construction including the policy and procedures and employer packet:
If you are interested in participating in one of our partnership programs, please contact your local area office to obtain more information and request an application packet.