The information posted on this website is provided free of charge by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) for the convenience of members of the public. We strive to make the information as accurate as possible. However, we cannot guarantee that all of the information is complete and up-to-date. We will correct errors that come to our attention, and we welcome members of the public to inform of us of errors by email at webmaster@dir.ca.gov.
Users should not rely on the statutes (laws) and regulations posted on this website as definitive but should consult the following sources:
- To access the official California statutes, visit the new website of the California Legislature or the original website of the California Legislature, and select “California Law.” Most of the statutes applicable to DIR are contained in the Labor Code.
- To access the official California regulations, visit the website of the California Office of Administrative Law, and select California Code of Regulations. Most of the regulations administered by DIR and its divisions are contained in Title 8.
Dated: 8/2/2013