Process Safety Management (PSM) Unit

The Process Safety Management (PSM) Unit is responsible for inspecting refineries and chemical plants, covered under Labor Code sections 7850-7873, that handle large quantities of toxic and flammable materials. Health and safety standards enforced by the PSM Unit, including adequate employee training, are intended to prevent catastrophic explosions, fires, and releases of dangerous chemicals.

Petroleum refinery employers must submit to the PSM Unit every September 15 a full schedule of planned turnarounds for all affected units for the following calendar year (Labor Code sections 7872-7873). A "turnaround" is a planned, periodic shutdown, total or partial, of a refinery process unit or plant to perform maintenance, overhaul, and repair operations and to inspect, test, and replace process materials and equipment. After receiving and reviewing an employer's schedule of turnarounds, the PSM Unit may request that the employer provide onsite access and allow inspectors to review additional documentation related to the turnaround.

Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP) for Process Safety Management Study by Rand Corporation

Contact the PSM Unit to:

  • File a complaint,
  • Report an accident,  or
  • Submit required turnaround information:

Process Safety Management Unit

Andrew Kong, Program Manager
2 MacArthur Place, Suite 810 Santa Ana, CA 92707

Phone:(714) 558-4600
Fax:(714) 558-4614

To report a work-related injury, illness, or fatality,
if you cannot call, you may use email:

For other matters, use

Process Safety Management - North

Non Refinery Program
Michael Boyle, District Manager

Refinery Program
Clement Hsieh, District Manager

1855 Gateway Blvd., Suite 350
Concord, CA 94520

Phone:(925) 602-2665
Fax:(925) 602-2668

Process Safety Management - South

Non Refinery Program
Vacant, District Manager

Refinery Program
Alicia Weber, District Manager

2 MacArthur Place, Suite 810
Santa Ana, CA 92707

Phone:(714) 558-4600
Fax:(714) 558-4614

Visit the Governor's Interagency Refinery Task Force web page to learn about an important effort by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) to advance the safety, health and environmental performance of the state's refinery sector.

February 2025