Cal/OSHA and Statewide Industry Guidance on COVID-19

With the exception of subsection 3205(j), the COVID-19 Prevention regulations (8 CCR sections 3205, 3205.1, 3205.2, and 3205.3) will remain in effect until February 3, 2025. This means that, as of February 3, 2025, there will no longer be a specific set of regulatory requirements relating to COVID-19 prevention in the workplace. Employers will still be required to maintain a safe and healthful place of employment as required by Labor Code section 6400, and must establish, implement, and maintain an effective Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) as required by Title 8, California Code of Regulations, section 3203. If an employer identifies COVID-19 as a workplace hazard at their place of employment, then the employer must identify, evaluate, and correct any unsafe or unhealthy conditions, work practices, or work procedures that are associated with COVID-19.

Subsection 3205(j), which deals with reporting and recordkeeping, remains in effect until February 3, 2026. It requires that the employer keep a record of and track all COVID-19 cases with the employee's name, contact information, occupation, location where the employee worked, the date of the last day at the workplace, and the date of the positive COVID-19 test and/or COVID-19 diagnosis. These records must be retained for two years beyond the period in which the record is necessary to meet the requirements of this section. It also requires that information on COVID-19 cases be provided to the local health department with jurisdiction over the workplace, CDPH, the Division, and NIOSH immediately upon request, and when required by law.

NOTICE: Removal of Cal/OSHA Interim Guidance on COVID-19 for Health Care Facilities: Severe Respirator Supply Shortages

The supply and availability of NIOSH-approved respirators, including N95s, has increased significantly over the last several months. As a result, Cal/OSHA has removed the Cal/OSHA Interim Guidance on COVID-19 for Health Care Facilities: Severe Respirator Supply Shortages that allowed certain strategies to extend supplies of respirators during severe shortages.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also recommends health care personnel and facilities transition away from respirator crisis capacity conservation strategies, such as decontamination of disposable respirators.
Pursuant to title 8 sections 5144 and 5199, healthcare facilities are to use respirators in full accordance with their manufacturers' instructions and their NIOSH approval.

Also available is the NIOSH Certified Equipment List that identifies all NIOSH approved respirators and approval holders.

Workplace safety and health regulations in California require employers to take steps to protect workers potentially exposed to infectious diseases like COVID-19. Cal/OSHA has posted guidance to help employers comply with these requirements and to provide workers information on how to protect themselves and prevent the spread of the disease.

Cal/OSHA recommends employers review the guidance, educational materials and model programs and plans provided by Cal/OSHA, along with an employer's existing procedures, to ensure that workers are protected.

Note: These guidelines and materials are subject to change as information is received and the situation evolves. Cal/OSHA has archived outdated guidance for historical reference.

Statewide Resources on Safely Reopening California, Continuing Safety Measures, and County Risk Level Maps as of June 15, 2021

Cal/OSHA and other state agencies have developed guidance on the steps some businesses should take to reduce the risk of COVID-19 at work. Cal/OSHA recommends employers review the guidance relevant to their worksites, local information guidance criteria, along with the guidance on Cal/OSHA requirements below, and their existing safety procedures to ensure the workplace is protected from the spread of COVID-19.

California's COVID-19 Resources

Cal/OSHA Industry Guidance and Resources

Guidance by Industry

Note: For the most updated information on the COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations, visit the Cal/OSHA Non-Emergency Regulations page. For the latest information on the revisions to the Non-Emergency Regulations, visit Cal/OSHA's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.

Health Care Facilities

Cal/OSHA Guidance and Resources

Other Resources

  • Updated Guidelines for Timing of Tuberculosis (TB) Testing and COVID-19 Vaccination, August 2021 (CDC)

Mortuary and Funeral Homes

Cal/OSHA Guidance and Resources

  • Interim Guidance for Protecting Mortuary and Funeral Home Workers from Exposure to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Posted May 4, 2020

November 2023