Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) for Airborne Contaminants 2009 - 2010 Meetings

Policy and Procedure for the Advisory Committee Process for Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) Updates to Title 8 Section 5155, Airborne Contaminants  (as of March, 2007)

2010 HEAC and FAC Meetings Scheduled

Comments and questions about these meetings and substances should be emailed to Bob Barish

December 14, 2010 13th meeting of the Health Expert Advisory Committee (HEAC)

This 13th HEAC meeting will be held at 1515 Clay St., room 1304 in Oakland starting at 9:30 am and is an open public forum to be attended by HEAC members along with any interested parties. The substances listed below are planned for discussion.

  • Arsine
  • Ethanol
  • Gallium arsenide
  • Hydrogen sulfide
  • Methyl isobutyl ketone
  • 3 phthalates [butyl benzyl phthalate, di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), dibutyl phthalate]
  • n-Propanol
  • Vanadium pentoxide


October 6, 2010 Third meeting of the Feasiblity Advisory Committee (FAC)

This third FAC meeting is an open public forum for the public and interested parties to submit written and verbal comments on potential cost and feasibility of a range of possible PELs for the four substances listed below. The FAC meeting will be attended by Cal/OSHA staff and available members of the FAC from the committee roster provided below. The meeting will start at 10 a.m. and will be held in Room 1304, on the 13th floor of Elihu Harris State Building, 1515 Clay Street, Oakland, California. There is no need to pre-register for this meeting.

Below are links to the current HEAC health assessment documents for the four substances to be discussed at this meeting. Comments will be taken at the meeting on these substances in the order in which they are presented below:

  • Trichloroethylene A PEL of 0.4 ppm 8-hr TWA based on findings of cancer in test animals, with retention of existing Ceiling and STEL values not inconsistent with the TWA recommended or Federal OSHA PEL values
  • Wood dust - The PEL to be considered is 1 mg/M3 "total" airborne particulate as an 8-hour TWA, with retention of the existing 15-minute STEL of 10 mg/M3, based on chronic non-allergic pulmonary disease
  • Western red cedar - The PEL to be considered is 0.5 mg/M3 "total" airborne particulate based on asthma.
  • Benzyl chloride - A PEL of 0.03 ppm 8-hour TWA (time-weighted average) based on findings of cancer in test animals.
  • 1,1,2,2 Tetrabromoethane A PEL of 0.03 ppm (0.42 mg/M3) 8-hour TWA based on irritation of the upper respiratory tract, pulmonary edema, and hepatic effects.


June 23, 2010 12th meeting of the Health Expert Advisory Committee (HEAC)

This 12th HEAC meeting will be held at 1515 Clay St, room 1304 in Oakland starting at 9:30 am and is an open public forum to be attended by HEAC members along with any interested parties. The substances listed below are planned for discussion.

Preliminary discussion of the following substances may also be held, if time:

  • 3 phthalates [butyl benzyl phthalate, di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), dibutyl phthalate]
  • Hydrogen sulfide


March 24, 2010 11th meeting of the Health Expert Advisory Committee (HEAC)

This 11th HEAC meeting will be held at 1515 Clay St, room 1304 in Oakland starting at 9:30 am and is an open public forum to be attended by HEAC members along with any interested parties. The substances listed below are planned for discussion.

HEAC Member Roster


2009 Meetings

December 8, 2009 Second meeting of the Feasibility Advisory Committee (FAC)

This second FAC meeting is an open public forum for the public and interested parties to submit written and verbal comments on potential cost and feasibility of a range of possible PELs for the four substances listed below. The FAC meeting will be attended by Cal/OSHA staff and available members of the FAC from the committee roster provided below. The meeting will start at 10 a.m. and will be held in Room 1304, on the 13th floor of Elihu Harris State Building, 1515 Clay Street, Oakland, California. There is no need to pre-register for this meeting.

Below are links to the current HEAC health assessment documents for the four substances to be discussed at this meeting. Comments will be taken at the meeting on these substances in the order in which they are presented below:

  • Hydrogen chloride - The PEL to be considered for comments consists of an 8-hr TWA of 0.3 ppm based on laryngeal hyperplasia seen in test animals, and short term limits to prevent acute respiratory irritation consisting of a 15-minute Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) of 2 ppm and a Ceiling limit of 5 ppm.
  • N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone - A PEL of from 1 ppm to 10 ppm based on developmental findings in test animals is being considered.
  • Naphthalene - A PEL of 0.04 ppm 8-hour TWA based on findings of cancer in test animals is the low end of what is being considered, and 0.75 ppm 8-hour TWA based on nasal tissue hyperplasia seen in test animals is the upper end.


September 10, 2009    10th meeting of the Health Expert Advisory Committee (HEAC)

This 10th HEAC meeting will be held at 1515 Clay St, room 1304 in Oakland starting at 9:30 am and is an open public forum to be attended by HEAC members along with any interested parties. The substances listed below are planned for discussion.

  • Arsine
  • Benzyl chloride
  • Ethyl benzene
  • Hydrogen chloride
  • N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone
  • Naphthalene
  • Trichloroethylene
  • Wood dust and western red cedar


OEHHA memo August 27, 2009: Review of PBPK model for n-methyl pyrrolidone and implications for benchmark dose analysis

June 24, 2009 9th meeting of the Health Expert Advisory Committee (HEAC)

This 9th HEAC meeting will be held at 1515 Clay St, room 1304 in Oakland starting at 9:30 am and is an open public forum to be attended by HEAC members along with any interested parties. The substances listed below are planned for discussion.

  • Arsine
  • Benzyl chloride
  • Ethyl benzene
  • Hydrogen chloride
  • N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone
  • Naphthalene
  • Trichloroethylene

OEHHA memo June 19, 2009: Updated benchmark dose analysis for n-methyl pyrrolidone


May 28, 2009 First meeting of the Feasibility Advisory Committee (FAC)

This first FAC meeting is an open public forum to be attended by the roster of FAC members below along with any interested parties. The topics to be discussed include the process to be used to review the HEAC proposed PEL recommendations, summary sheet of initial HEAC recommended substances, and related administrative matters for the overall FAC process and future meetings. The tentative agenda for this first FAC meeting is to:

  1. Review HEAC/FAC process for PEL recommendations
  2. Introduce FAC members, discuss meeting process and staff support needs for members
  3. Review the following five substance summary sheets with respect to feasibility issues for the HEAC recommended PELs:
  4. Discuss member and interested party comments along with any written comments submitted at or before the meeting for the 5 substances regarding:
    • Technical issues associated with reliably measuring employee exposures at or below the HEAC recommended PEL
    • Technical issues associated with means and methods of control of exposures for compliance with the HEAC recommended PEL
    • Estimates of the costs associated with achieving and maintaining reliable compliance and the reasonableness of imposing such costs.
  5. Announce the next meeting date and substances to be discussed.


March 25, 2009 8th meeting of the Health Expert Advisory Committee (HEAC)

This 8th HEAC meeting will be held at 1515 Clay St, room 1304 in Oakland starting at 9:30 am and is an open public forum to be attended by HEAC members along with any interested parties. The substances listed below are planned for discussion.

(NOTE: In the revised documents below, changes since the last posting are shown in highlighted text)

  • Benzyl chloride
  • Carbon disulfide (revised 3/24/09)
  • Ethyl benzene
  • Hydrogen chloride
  • N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone
  • Naphthalene
  • Sulfuric acid
  • Trichloroethylene


OEHHA letter on naphthalene to DOSH, March 16, 2009

Meeting Archives - Airborne Contaminant PELs