AB 1643 - California Heat Study: Advisory Committee
AB 1643 – California Heat Study: Advisory Committee will conduct the fifth meeting with discussions pertaining to the study scope of work detail as mandated by AB 1643.
Questions may be asked or comments may be provided at the end of the meeting or may be submitted to HAC@dir.ca.gov.
AB 1643 – California Heat Study: Advisory Committee will conduct the fourth meeting with discussions pertaining to the recommendation for study as mandated by AB 1643.
Questions may be asked or comments may be provided at the end of the meeting or may be submitted to HAC@dir.ca.gov.
AB 1643 – California Heat Study: Advisory Committee will conduct the third meeting with discussions pertaining to the proposed study scope outline as mandated by AB 1643.
Questions may be asked or comments may be provided at the end of the meeting or may be submitted to HAC@dir.ca.gov.
AB 1643 – California Heat Study: Advisory Committee will conduct the second meeting with discussions pertaining to the study scope as mandated by AB 1643.
Questions or comments will be given time at the end of the meeting or may be directed to HAC@dir.ca.gov.
AB 1643 – California Heat Study: Advisory Committee will conduct the first meeting of the year with discussions pertaining to the mandate of AB 1643.
Questions or comments will be given time at the end of the meeting or may be directed to HAC@dir.ca.gov.
About AB 1643
On September 9, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law AB 1643 (Robert Rivas, Chapter 263, Statutes of 2022), to establish an advisory committee to study and evaluate the effects of heat on California's workers, businesses, and the economy on or before July 1, 2023. In considering the effects of heat on California's workers, businesses, and the economy, the advisory committee will recommend a study that addresses prescribed topics relating to data collection, certain economic losses, injuries and illnesses, and methods of minimizing the effect of heat on workers. The advisory committee will be composed of specified representatives from state agencies, labor and business entities, and academia, of which will include the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA).
The advisory committee will meet to recommend the scope of a study to the Labor Workforce Development Agency and issue a report of its findings to the Legislature no later than January 1, 2026.
The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) is responsible for convening the advisory committee. The advisory committee is comprised of the following members:
- The Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development, or their designee.
- One representative from, and appointed by, the Department of Industrial Relations.
- One representative from, and appointed by, the Division of Occupational Safety and Health.
- One representative from, and appointed by, the Employment Development Department.
- One representative from, and appointed by, the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency.
- One representative from, and appointed by, the Division of Workers' Compensation.
- One representative from the Climate Change and Health Equity Section, within and appointed by the State Department of Public Health.
- One representative appointed by the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, from a labor union, who has demonstrated expertise in high heat-related exposure.
- One representative appointed by the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, from a business, who has demonstrated expertise in high heat-related exposure.
- Three scholars, including at least one economist, appointed by the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, who have demonstrated expertise in high heat-related exposure.
- One representative from, and appointed by, the Governor's Office of Planning and Research.
Advisory Committee Objectives
The advisory committee will meet periodically throughout 2023 to accomplish the following:
- Recommend the scope of a study to the agency.
- Consider the effects of heat on California's workers, businesses, and the economy, and recommend a study that addresses some or all of the following topics:
- How to improve data collection regarding worker injuries, illnesses, or deaths as well as losses to businesses and the economy to more accurately capture those traceable to heat.
- Time away from work and lost wages due to heat.
- The frequency at which different types of occupational injuries and illnesses occur at given temperatures and humidity levels, including injuries and illnesses not directly attributable to heat exposure.
- Underreporting of heat illnesses and injuries covered by workers' compensation, especially among low-income employees, including the underreporting of occupational heat exposure with effects on workers after their shifts.
- Evidence-based methods of minimizing the effect of heat on workers.
The advisory committee will develop a report that will be released and posted online, in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.
The advisory committee will meet in accordance with the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act and adhere to changing local and state public health orders. Members of the Advisory committee may be expected to travel. Per diem and travel expenses are subject to the conditions and limits may be issued to members of the advisory committee.
Questions for the Committee
Members of the public that have questions may contact the advisory committee via email at HAC@dir.ca.gov.
January 2025