Cannabis Industry Health and Safety

All employers in the cannabis industry must take steps to protect their employees from all health and safety hazards associated with their work. This includes those who cultivate, manufacture, distribute, sell, and test marijuana products.

Several Cal/OSHA regulations apply to workplaces in the cannabis industry. This webpage contains links to these regulations and other helpful resources for providing a safe and healthy workplace in the cannabis industry in California.

The cannabis industry includes:

  • Cultivation
  • Distribution
  • Laboratory testing
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail

Employers in California are Required to Protect Workers

Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)

Employers in California are required to take steps to protect workers from all workplace hazards that can cause injuries and illnesses.

To protect workers, employers must establish, implement, and maintain an effective written Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). The IIPP includes many elements, such as procedures to identify and correct health and safety hazards in the workplace, provide effective training to all employees so they can perform their job safely and more. In addition, employers must communicate with employees in a form readily understandable by all affected employees on matters relating to occupational safety and health, including provisions designed to encourage employees to inform the employer of hazards at the worksite without fear of reprisal.

The IIPP is based on the requirements for employers in the California Code of Regulations, title 8, section 3203. Cal/OSHA can assist employers with developing and maintaining a written IIPP through helpful Cal/OSHA Publications and free Cal/OSHA Consultation Services.

Note: Effective training of employees that is required by section 3203 is separate from the Cal/OSHA 30-hour general industry outreach training that is required by the California Business and Professions Code, section 26051.5.

To develop a written IIPP or improve an existing program, visit Cal/OSHA's Injury and Illness Prevention Program Publications

Occupational health and safety regulations that may apply to employers in the cannabis industry

Workplace Violence Prevention

The cannabis industry is at high risk of workplace violence incidents. Labor Code 6401.9 outlines requirements that all employers must follow to prevent such incidents. Employers must implement a workplace violence prevention plan that can be part of their IIPP or a stand-alone document, and includes the following and more:

  • Employee involvement in developing and implementing the plan.
  • Procedures for accepting and responding to employee reports of workplace violence without retaliation.
  • Emergency response procedures.
  • Inspections to identify workplace violence hazards.
  • Training for employees on workplace violence.
  • A workplace violence incident log.
Cannabis plants being grown in a greenhouse. Cannabis plant held in someone's hand.

Cal/OSHA 30-Hour General Industry Training Requirement

In accordance with the California Business and Professions Code, section 26051.5, employers with two or more employees must ensure one supervisor and one employee have successfully completed a Cal/OSHA 30-hour general industry outreach training course offered by a training provider that is authorized by an OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Education Center.

Note: Cal/OSHA does not enforce compliance with section 26051.5, which requires employees and supervisors to complete the Cal/OSHA 30-hour general industry outreach course. If you have questions about OTI or any regulations that require such training, please contact federal OSHA, the trainer, or the regulatory agency that mandates this training.

To find authorized training providers, please visit federal OSHA's Find a Trainer webpage.

To find authorized OTI educational centers, please visit federal OSHA's Current List of Authorized OTI Education Centers webpage.

Note: Many training providers listed on these webpages offer both Cal/OSHA 30-hour general industry and federal OSHA 30-hour general industry courses, which are different. Be sure to attend the Cal/OSHA course if required by regulations that apply to your workplace.

Cal/OSHA Resources

Other Resources

September 2024