DLSE publications            Go to Forms page

Publications available in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print. To obtain a DLSE publication by mail, contact your local DLSE office.
Manuals and handbooks


Notices and posters

Information sheets

Summary of Procedures

Opinion letters
  • DLSE opinion letters (all):

    Pursuant to Executive Order S-2-03, the DLSE opinion letters and the Enforcement Policies and Interpretations Manual are currently under review to determine their legal force and effect and to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act. Please note, in addition, that DLSE opinion letters are advice in specific cases only.

    If you believe that a section of the Enforcement Policies and Interpretations Manual or an opinion letter needs to be reviewed to determine if it should go through the regulatory process pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act, please submit your comments to dlsecomments@dir.ca.gov. Please include the specific manual section or opinion letter number and explain your specific concerns.

    The Division of Labor Standards Enforcement comments mailbox account (dlsecomments@dir.ca.gov) has been established solely to take comments on the enforcement manual and opinion letters. All comments will be read and considered, but no responses to questions or specific advice will be provided.


December 2024