Youth in Construction eTool
Click here For Students and Young Employees | FOR TEACHERS AND EMPLOYERS


Trainer advising students As trainers of your students and young workers, you are responsible for educating them on workplace health and safety including (but not limited to): safe work practices, worker's rights, the importance of learning in safety meetings and other trainings, and complying with rules and regulations. Each topic in this etool provides you with detailed information to use for improving your safety programs and conducting training. Remember that the risk of injuries can be reduced or eliminated by careful planning and:

  • Complying with Cal/OSHA regulations
  • Using Best Practices
  • Thorough training before work assignments (see Effective Training) including:
    • Checking for understanding
    • Requiring demonstration of safe work practices, equipment, and tool use
  • Providing the appropriate safety equipment
  • Enforcing safe work practices
  • Close supervision at all times

Healthy students and young workers are more productive. Preventing injuries by improving safety in your classroom or workplace is a useful tool for increased productivity, product quality, and business competiveness. In short, "good safety and health is good business".