JET File information for developers

Jet File image

JET File is the Division of Workers’ Compensation’s new electronic filing method for the workers’ compensation courts. It allows electronic filing of multiple “forms” and attachments in a single transmission by secure file transfer protocol (SFTP).
This page provides guidelines for prospective JET Filers who are building a JET File transmission method. This could be an entity or agency that files with the courts and is building a JET File transmission method for the organization’s use; it could be a software vendor developing products for use by case participants; or it could be an entity that will file on behalf of clients who are or will become case participants (third party filers).
To connect with JET File using SFTP, all of the aforementioned must:

  • Develop XML transmission code using technical specifications published by DWC. These technical specs describe the architecture of JET File. This link also has:
    • The XML schemas and samples, which describe how forms are packaged into XML files for submission to JET File
    • The error codes and messages document, which describes the response files regarding submissions
    • The form specifications, which describe how JET File validates individual form fields.
  • Conduct transmission code testing and receive validation

Additionally, those entities who will actually be using JET File to transmit documents electronically need to fill out and submit the Excel spreadsheet portion of the trading partner agreement. Entities that build a JET File transmission method for their organization’s filing use and third party filers need to fill out and submit the trading partner agreement spreadsheet. Software vendors who develop products that allow case participants to file directly do not have to fill out and submit the trading partner agreement—the client does, because they are doing the actual filing.

Third party filers (TPFs) have one more requirement: They must submit a second client spreadsheet with a list of all clients for whom they will JET File. The list must include each client’s name, uniform assigned name and EAMS reference number (if applicable), mailing address (and physical address if different), phone number and a client contact first and last name and email address. Each client must also sign an authorization form allowing the TPF to file on their behalf.

JET File forms

There are ten court forms and the Unstructured form (as well as associated attachments) currently available in JET File:

  • Application for adjudication of claim
  • Declaration of readiness to proceed (to hearing)
  • Declaration of readiness to proceed (to expedited trial)
  • Compromise and release
  • Stipulations with request for award
  • Notice and request for allowance of lien
  • Golden Rod lien (EDD only)
  • Unstructured form
  • Supplemental Lien Form and Section 4903.05(c) Declaration - Jan. 1, 2017
  • Answer to Application for Adjudication of Claim - Jun 21, 2019

Validation testing protocols

  • New transmission code validation includes new trading partners or software vendors and current trading partners or software vendors who want to change currently validated code or add additional forms as allowed by DWC
  • JET File trading partners or software vendors whose transmission code must be validated before filing include:
    1. Discrete filer using its own JET File transmission: Organization or individual, which is or will become a case participant and which files via its own JET File transmission code on behalf of itself only
    2. JET File software vendor: Organization or individual, which develops JET File software for use by case participants who file on their own behalf using the software
    3. Third party filer (TPF): Organization or individual, which is not a case participant, which files via JET File on behalf of clients who are or will become case participants.
  • Requests to participate in transmission code validation must be submitted by email to no later than 5 p.m., the Monday two weeks prior to the start date of the round. Requests received subsequent to that will be assigned to the next round
  • Validation will be held on the first full two weeks of the assigned month, as allowed by the DWC schedule. It will not extend beyond the two weeks. Entities that do not complete validation within the two weeks will be added to the next round of validation
  • Validation commences on the Monday of the first full week of the assigned testing period. Validation will end at 4 p.m. on Friday of the second week
  • A mandatory pre-submission phone conference will be held on the Friday before the beginning of the testing session
  • Validation will be conducted daily, Monday through Friday, with file submissions starting at 8 a.m. Submissions will end at 5 p.m.
  • Periodic phone conferences will be held during validation, at 3:00 p.m., as necessary
  • DWC will provide testers with mandatory data sheets to be used for all validation
  • Those validating JET File code for the first time for any form must successfully submit at least six of each of the JET File forms they develop for filing per the schedule set by DWC
  • Current trading partners or software vendors who are changing currently validated code need only test the code being changed
  • Validated code from trading partners to be used by new software vendors will need to re-test all code under the new software vendor name
  • A tester will be validated as a JET Filer upon successful submission of the forms they have developed for filing in the numbers specified by DWC. Those that do not validate all available JET File forms are limited to filing only those forms for which their transmission code has been validated. Should the tester want to add additional forms at a later date, they must first participate in validation testing of the additional forms
  • Discrete filers using their own JET File transmission code and third-party filers will submit their trading partner agreement upon successful completion of validation and, after processing by DWC, will be assigned their JET File user ID and password
  • DWC will list on its Web site the successfully validated software vendors and third-party JET Filers.

Lessons learned from validation testing

  • Testers must validate their XML against the published XSDs (under XML schemas documentation on the technical specs page)
  • File submissions will fail due to malformed XMLs (incorrect name space, XML elements out of order, required elements missing, not meeting minimum/maximum lengths)
  • Incorrect file names will also fail
  • Currently, only PDF documents version 1.4 and older (e.g. 1.2, 1.3) are accepted 
  • No “blank” attachment files are allowed.

Requesting validation testing

To request a validation test, send an email to with “application to test JET File transmission code” in the subject line. Testers should make the request only after all development is completed and all that is left is validation of the code. The following information must be included in the body of the email:

  • Requestor name
  • Requestor email address
  • Requestor phone number
  • Whether the requestor is a:
    • Discrete filer with its own JET File transmission: Organization or individual, which is or will become a case participant and which files via its own JET File transmission code on behalf of itself only
    • JET File software vendor: Organization or individual, which develops JET File software for use by case participants who file on their own behalf using the software
    • Third party filer (TPF): Organization or individual, which is not a case participant, which files via JET File on behalf of clients who are or will become case participants.
  • Uniform assigned name (UAN) or name of entity to receive validation. If a vendor will operate JET File software under multiple names following validation, all names to receive validation must be listed. These are the names that will appear on the approved JET File vendor list
  • Which forms the requestor will be validating.

Developer check list

Ready to send an email requesting JET File validation? First review this checklist designed to help ensure testers are ready to go:

Reviewed the basic information about JET File on the JET File main page
Reviewed the business rules for JET File, which govern how JET File processes form submissions
Reviewed the JET File technical specifications, which describe the architecture of the system
Reviewed the XML schemas and samples, which describe how forms are packaged into XML files for submission to JET File
Reviewed the JET File error codes and messages document, which describes the responses files from JET File regarding submissions
Reviewed the JET File form specifications, which describe how JET File validates individual form fields
Built transmission code in accordance with the technical specifications supplied by DWC
Determined which JET File forms will be validated this round
Have read the validation testing protocol and ready to comply
Taken the lessons learned into account
Read the narrative portion of the trading partner agreement
Determined if a trading partner agreement or TPF client spreadsheet will be needed upon completion of validation and prepared those as necessary
Prepared email requesting validation with all required information included.


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September 2020