Apprenticeship program information - search results detail

Data is current as of 10/06/2024

Trade or occupation: Beginning Farm And Ranch Managers
Program length: 24 months
Starting wage: $15.00 per hour
Minimum age: 18
Education prerequisites: High School/Ged/Equivalent
Additional prerequisites: Required to complete an application available online or in the office. These will be ranked according to prior industry experience and knowledge with supporting documents.
Physical requirements: Yes
Exams: Written Test: Yes    Oral Exam: Yes
Additional requirements: Must be able to perform work of the occupation, including lifting 30 pounds.
Contact information: California Farm Academy Apprenticeship, U.A.C. 
40140 Best Ranch Rd  
Woodland, CA  95776
Contact person: Marisa Alcorta, Coordinator
Contact phone / e-mail:
Applications taken: Continuous
List Type: Ranked
Veteran Benefits Approved: Yes
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