Apprentice certification

You have entered an incorrect character.


  The search string is a total of 9 letters and numbers (no characters ', - , etc): the first 4 letters of the last name (use spaces to make 4 letters if the last name is shorter than 4 letters), the first letter of the first name and the last 4 digits of the social security number (LLLLF9999). Letters can be entered as lower or upper case.  

  Uncle Sam ssn 123-45-6789 would be entered as Sam U6789
  Goddess Minerva ssn 123-45-5555 would be entered as MineG5555
  Richard Al-Ham ssn 111-44-1111 would be entered as AlhaR1111
  Robert O'Brian ssn 111-22-3333 would be entered as OBriR3333
  James McHenry ssn 555-66-1234 might be entered as McHeJ1234 or HJ1234