Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board (OSHSB)

The mission of the Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board is to promote, adopt, and maintain reasonable and enforceable standards that will ensure a safe and healthful workplace for California workers.

The Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board, a seven-member body appointed by the Governor, is the standards-setting agency within the Cal/OSHA program. The Standards Board's objective is to adopt reasonable and enforceable standards at least as effective as federal standards. The Standards Board also has the responsibility to grant or deny applications for variances from adopted standards and respond to petitions for new or revised standards. The part-time, independent board holds monthly meetings throughout California.

Standards Board Updates

The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board office has moved to remote operations, but the Standards Board will regularly monitor the intake of mail and deliveries to our office location:

Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board
2520 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 350
Sacramento, CA 95833

The Standards Board remains committed to continuing to provide essential services to the public, including access to public records. Our Sacramento office remains open BY APPOINTMENT for the inspection of public records held by the Standards Board. Appointments can be scheduled via email at OSHSB@DIR.CA.GOV or by calling (916)274-5721.

What's New

June 2024

December 2023

October 2024