Standards Board Public Records Requests
Public records maintained by the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (Board) are available for inspection by members of the public pursuant to the Public Records Act (PRA) which is within the California Government Code sections 7920-7931.
Requests for Public Records:
- Requests may be made by email, mail or telephone to:
Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board
c/o Public Records Officer
2520 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 350
Sacramento, CA 95833Phone: (916) 274-5721
Email: - In order for the Board to locate the requested records, it is helpful to include the following
- Requestor contact details: name, email address, mailing address, and phone number
- For Rulemaking records: please include Title 8 section number, and if known, effective date or public hearing date
- For Variance decisions: please include the Variance file number
- For Petitions: please include the Petition file number, if known, or decision date
- Labor Code section 6322 and California Code of Regulations, Title 8, section 372.1 provides information on confidentiality and specific records that may be privileged from disclosure by law. If needed, Board staff is available to assist in formulating the request.
For most requests, the Board requires up to ten days to notify the requester whether the Board has responsive records and whether any of the records contain information that is exempt from inspection. Under some circumstances, the Board requires an additional 14 days to make those initial determinations for any reasons set forth in Government Code Section 6253.
In most cases, there is no charge for requesters to inspect records or to make copies using their own portable equipment on the Board's premises.
August 2024