Workers' Compensation Community Education

Medical staff meeting

The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) offers online education courses for medical providers, claims administrators, case managers, attorneys and HR managers. We currently offer training modules on the use of the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule (MTUS), tips for Qualified Medical Evaluators (QMEs), and Medical Legal Report Writing. All three courses qualify for free education credit for CME, QME and MCLE (California State Bar) credit. Additionally, the training modules for QME and MTUS also qualify for continuing educational credit for SHRM (Society for HR Management), CRCC (Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor), CDMS (Certified Disability Management Specialist), IEA (Insurance Education Association), and CCMC (Commission for Case Manager Certification).

Physicians treating in the California workers' compensation system are required to follow the evidence-based recommendations in the DWC medical treatment utilization schedule (MTUS).

"Caring for California’s Injured Workers: Using California’s Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule” is an online course for treating physicians, qualified medical examiners, physician reviewers, other health care providers, and anyone else interested in learning how to use the MTUS.

"Evaluating California’s Injured Workers: Qualified Medical Evaluators (QME)" is the latest in a planned series of educational modules.

This course is developed for current QMEs, those who are interested in becoming a QME, or to anyone interested in the QME process. QMEs play a critical role in resolving disputes within the workers’ compensation system.

DWC’s course on California Workers’ Compensation Medical Legal Report Writing offers a comprehensive outline of essential components of a medical legal report, identifies key components, concepts and terminology of a medical legal report; and includes the option to create a medical legal report using a fillable outline.

Additional Resources:

Notice: To register for and access the online training modules, you must follow one of the links above. You will then be re-directed to an external site.'

For technical assistance on these modules, please contact CADWC Support.


January 2025