Breaking Down Funding Barriers for Apprenticeship
As we all work to create new and innovative registered apprenticeship pathways for our IACA and CAC programs, it becomes pressing to identify more funding opportunities to support their growth and scalability. However, finding funding to develop and scale these programs can be a daunting task. To address this, the Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) has launched a funding page, Navigating Registered Apprenticeship Funding Sources that aims to make it easier for employers, educational entities and other registered apprenticeship stakeholders easily identify available funding streams.
This new funding page offers a way for users to navigate available funding announcements for the development, deployment and scaling of registered apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs. The landing page lists funding opportunities administered by DAS, as well as the workforce and education systems more broadly.
The main page allows folks to review funding that is specific to apprenticeship, including funding administered by DAS. Additionally, users can review apprenticeship-adjacent funding opportunities that can be used for registered apprenticeship development, including those administered by federal and local governments, workforce system partners, and philanthropic organizations. This page also provides helpful links to the corresponding funding landing page. Here, interested parties can browse through the information section that identifies the available award amount (cap), required partners, and other important information, including deadlines for submission.
As DAS continues to lean in on our commitment to a service first approach, we hope that our new funding page will provide our team and other interested parties with helpful information about funding opportunities that will be integral to developing and expanding registered apprenticeship programs across our state.
May 2023