Construction: A Celebrated Career for Women
Say the word "construction" and it's highly likely that your mind conjures images of steel, heavy equipment, caution signs and men in hard hats. There is no escaping the fact that, as a whole, the construction industry is largely male dominated. This reality is especially evident given the fact that a week has been designated to celebrate Women in Construction. And while we fully support this effort, our approach at Blach is that acclaim should be given all year long.
Recent statistics reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor claim only 10.9% of the construction workforce are female. We are proud to say we exceed this—by more than two times. And while our clients and colleagues benefit greatly from the diversity of the talented professionals who make up this number, we have made it a top priority to do better.
Our firm comprises many incredible women, in a variety of critical roles, from top leadership and project/field management to back-of-house operations. Women either spearhead or are intricately involved in all core functional areas of Blach Construction, including business development, estimating, finance, field operations, human resources, marketing and project management. Almost half of our venerable Leadership Team are women, and women hold a significant presence among valuable senior management positions. Collectively, these inclusive, empathetic mentors are equally savvy in both business and construction.
Women at Blach are key contributors who continue to have direct impact on our firm's ongoing success. We applaud their tireless efforts to balance their work and personal lives, which over the last few years has been exceedingly challenging. Yet, in spite of everything the pandemic threw our way, our female talent prevailed and productivity remained incredibly high.
No small feat, considering almost half of these brilliant employees are directly involved in project operations and spend the majority of their work hours on the jobsite.
There is no doubt that construction is an ideally suited industry for women and offers many avenues to success. At Blach, we are grateful for and inspired by our female colleagues and their continued contributions. We tip our hard hats to them, the Women of Blach.
August 2022