Answers to frequently asked questions about calendaring

Topics covered in this FAQ include:
Hearings and documents

About calendaring/scheduling:

Q: How are expedited hearings and trials set?

A: Expedited hearings and trials must be approved by the presiding judge. When a Declaration of Readiness to Proceed (DOR) to Expedited hearing is filed, the request is sent to a special queue to be manually set by the district office calendar clerk once it has been approved by the presiding judge.

Q: The OCR DOR form does not have a place in which to request a hearing at a satellite hearing location. How can I file a DOR for a hearing at a satellite location?

A: Submit the DOR to the assigned district office, along with an attachment to the form specifying that the case is to be set in a particular satellite office.

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About hearings and documents:

Q: In the past, original medical reports and records were brought into court for hearings. Is this no longer the case? I was told not to submit any originals as they would be shredded.

A: Keep originals in your files because OCR documents are destroyed after scanning. A first-generation copy of the original is acceptable for filing. A document separator sheet must precede each medical report.

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September 2022