Required Documents for Examination Certification

Depending on proof of experience, documents required for initial Application for Examination and Certification

  1. Apprenticeship Certificate
    1. copy of Apprenticeship Certificate of Completion from federal or state government
    2. Social Security history report (if working in United States only) (see example)
  2. On-the-job training
    1. Social Security history report (see example)
  3. Other state license
    1. Copy of license
    2. Social Security history report (see example)
  4. Apprentice in last year of training
    1. Copy of DAS1
    2. Need proof of completion at end of term of apprenticeship (certificate of completion or a letter from training director) (see example)
  5. Electrician Trainee completed approved curriculum from an ET approved provider
    1. Copy of certificate of completion with full curriculum and not partial school (see example)
    2. Social Security history report once completion of required minimum experience from classification chosen (NOTE: if exam is taken and experience is not met, certification card will not be issued) (see example)
  6. NICET Certification in Fire Alarm Systems at Level II or above (Fire/Life Safety Exam ONLY)
    1. Copy of Certificate of completion
    2. Social Security history report (see example)

Retest Application

No other documents required(payment only)

  • If failed within the one year eligibility period the cost is $100.00
  • If did not take the scheduled exam, the cost is $175.00.

Retest for Renewal Applicants for Certification:

For Timely Filing:

  1. ___ Copy of 32 hours of certificate of completion from an approved education provider
    1. List School Name(s) _____________________________
    2. List School Name(s) _____________________________
  2. ___ Verify completion of 2,000 hours working in the industry in the previous 3 years.

(NOTE: If you do not have 2,000 hours, you do not qualify to renew and must retake the exam)  

Untimely Filing:

No other documents required (payment only)

Replacement Certification Card or Change of Address

If there is a name change on #4 of the application attach government document(s).

November 2019