Studio Teachers: Requirements for Certification
Definitions"The Entertainment Industry, hereinafter referred to as the employer, shall be defined as any organization, or individual, using the services of any minor in: Motion pictures of any type (e.g. film, videotape, etc.), using any format (theatrical film, commercial, documentary, television program, etc.) by any medium (e.g. theater, television, videocassette, etc.); photography; recording; modeling; theatrical productions; publicity; rodeos; circuses; musical performances; and any other performances where minors perform to entertain the public." California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Chapter 6, Subchapter 2, Article 1, Section 11751
Employers shall provide a studio teacher on each call for minors from age fifteen (15) days to their sixteenth (16th) birthday (age sixteen (16)), and for minors from age sixteen (16) to age eighteen (18) when required for the education of the minor. One (1) studio teacher must be provided for each group of ten (10) minors or fraction thereof. With respect to minors age fifteen (15) days to age sixteen (16), one (1) studio teacher must be provided for each group of twenty (20) minors or fraction thereof on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or during school vacation. California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Division 1, Chapter 6, Subchapter 2, section 11755.2
"No consent [to employ a minor in the entertainment industry] shall be given at any time unless the officer giving it is satisfied that all of the following conditions are met..(c) the minor's education will not be neglected or hampered by his or her participation in the performance, concert, or entertainment." Labor Code section 1308.6(c).
The studio teacher, in addition to teaching, shall also have the responsibility for caring and attending to the health, safety and morals of minors under sixteen (16) years of age for whom they have been provided by the employer, while such minors are engaged or employed in any activity pertaining to the entertainment industry and subject to these regulations. In the discharge of these responsibilities, the studio teacher shall take cognizance of such factors as working conditions, physical surroundings, signs of the minor's mental and physical fatigue, and the demands placed upon the minor in relation to the minor's age, agility, strength and stamina. The studio teacher may refuse to allow the engagement of a minor on a set or location and may remove the minor therefrom, if in the judgment of the studio teacher, conditions are such as to present a danger to the health, safety or morals of the minor. Any such action by the studio teacher may be immediately appealed to the Labor Commissioner who may affirm or countermand such action. California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Chapter 6, Subchapter 2, Article 1, Section 11755.3
The criteria for teaching credentials that satisfy the requirements of Section 11755(a) are found in California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Chapter 6, Subchapter 2, Article 1, Section 11755(d).
The teaching credential listed in (5) or (6) of subsection (d) of this section [Section 11755] must be in one of the following subject areas: English, Math, Social Science, Science or Foreign Language. Definitions of criteria for each subject are found at California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Chapter 6, Subchapter 2, Article 1, Section 11755(c)
Certification by the Labor Commissioner shall be for a maximum three-year period, not to exceed the earliest expiration date of any one of the qualifying teaching credentials submitted in support of certification. California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Chapter 6, Subchapter 2, Article 1, Section 11755(b)
No fees are required.
A written examination is required of the studio teacher by the Labor Commissioner at the time of certification or renewal. Such examination shall be designed to ascertain the studio teacher's knowledge of the labor laws and regulations of the State of California as they apply to the employment of minors in the entertainment industry.
Please note that in order to take the Studio Teacher written examination with the District office nearest you, you must submit an application and make a request in writing with the San Francisco Licensing and Registration office. You must indicate your location preference in your letter.
The Van Nuys office offers in-person exams on Friday, by appointment only. To schedule an exam with the Van Nuys office, submit your request to Please type "Studio Teacher Exam" in the subject line.
You must bring with you a completed application along with copies of your California credentials if available. That office will then forward all documents including the exam to the San Francisco Licensing and Registration office.
Each new studio teacher applicant will be required to successfully complete a twelve-hour course of instruction designed by the Labor Commissioner to instruct the applicant in the duties and responsibilities of the studio teacher. California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Chapter 6, Subchapter 2, Article 1, Section 11755(b)
Every studio teacher, as a condition of renewal of certification by the Labor Commissioner, must complete three hours of instruction in a class designed by the Labor Commissioner to ensure that the studio teacher remains abreast of any changes in the laws and regulations and duties and responsibilities of the studio teacher. California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Chapter 6, Subchapter 2, Article 1, Section 11755(b)
Currently, the course of instruction is given once a year during the summer months. Approximately two months prior to the course, every effort is made to notify all currently-certified studio teachers of the date, time and location by mail. The online three-hour class for renewal applicants will be available in mid June 2015. To receive log in access, please provide us with your email address and let us know the month and year when you want to participate in the online three-hour class. We will send you log on information by email. Additionally, information on the date, time and location of the course will be posted on the DLSE website when it becomes available, or you may call (510) 285-2121 or send an email to
February 2024
Labor Commissioner's Office
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