Rules and Regulations:
- For Garment Manufacturers (and Contractors) -
Who must obtain a Garment Registration Certificate?
Every person engaged in the business of garment manufacturing must register with the Labor Commissioner. California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 13630.
Definition of the term "person". Definition of "garment manufacturing". Definition of a "contractor".(a) Every employee leasing company or temporary agency that leases or otherwise provides garment manufacturers or contractors with the services of employees engaged in sewing, cutting, making, processing, repairing, finishing, assembling, or otherwise preparing any garment or article of wearing apparel or accessories designed or intended to be worn by any individual is itself engaged in garment manufacturing, and must register with and obtain a valid registration certificate from the Labor Commissioner as a contractor.
Requirement to Notify the DLSE
(b) Every employee leasing company or temporary agency shall provide the Labor Commissioner with written notice whenever it enters into, or terminates, an arrangement to lease or otherwise provide employees engaged in any of the above enumerated garment manufacturing operations to a garment manufacturer or contractor. This notice shall include the name and address of the garment manufacturer or contractor that was or will be a party to the arrangement, the dates from beginning to end that employees were or will be leased or otherwise provided under the arrangement, the address(es) where the employees performed or will perform the garment manufacturing operations, and the number of employees that have been or will be leased or otherwise provided to the garment manufacturer or contractor under the arrangement. This notice shall be mailed to:
Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
Licensing & Registration Unit
1515 Clay Street
Suite 401
Oakland, CA 94612
Failure to provide this notice within ten days of the date of entering into or terminating the arrangement will constitute grounds for revocation of registration or denial of an application for registration.
California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 13633.
Caution: Successor Liability
Before purchasing an existing garment manufacturing establishment be aware of potential successor liability. See Labor Code section 2684 and Notice to garment manufacturing/contracting applicant.
More Regulations
2009 Legislation - Farm Labor Contractors and
Garment Manufacturers
AB 854 added requirements for new and renewal applicants to operate as Garment Manufacturers or Farm Labor Contractors. See 2009 Legislation Farm Labor Contractors and Garment Manufacturers for more information.
Requirement to Display Information
As of September 9, 2013, every garment manufacturer must display certain information on the front entrance of his or her business. For details, go to Notice to garment manufacturing/contracting applicants (regarding AB 1384).
For questions or to request an application/renewal form(s), email:
Phone: (510) 285-3398 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
Licensing and Registration Unit
1515 Clay Street
Suite 401
Oakland, CA 94612
Fax: (510) 286-1366
December 2021