Approved Regulations 2020
The following is a list of approved regulations. Click on the name of a regulation to access the language in strikeout/underline form and the adoption, approval and effective dates. Strikeout language indicates language deleted from the proposed Title 8 regulation and underlined language indicates language added to the proposed Title 8 regulation.
Approved Regulation | Status | Effective |
Evidence-Based Updates to the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule (MTUS) Title 8, California Code of Regulations Sections 9792.23.6, 9792.23.8, 9792.23.11 & 9792.23.12 |
Administrative Director Order Posted | September 21, 2020 |
Evidence-Based Updates to the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule (MTUS) Title 8, California Code of Regulations Section 9792.24.6 |
Administrative Director Order Posted | October 26, 2020 |
Aborted in 2020
Evidence-Based Updates to the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule (MTUS) Title 8, California Code of Regulations Section 9792.24.7 Note: This action was cancelled because the Division was unable to proceed with the scheduled March 30, 2020 public hearing due to the regional stay-at-home order in response to COVID-19. The proposed order has been re-issued and an additional update has been included. A telephonic hearing has been scheduled for July 23, 2020. The revised notice, regulations and proposed order can be obtained at Evidence-Based Updates to the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule (MTUS). |