DIR assessments payments
Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT):
Please make your payment by EFT
- No service fee
- First half payment – Scanned copy of invoice must be emailed to DIRDWC_Assessment@dir.ca.gov the same day EFT payment is made to ensure proper credit
- Second half payment - The completed invoice and worksheet(s) with the original signature must also be scanned and emailed to DIRDWC_Assessment@DIR.ca.gov the same day EFT payment is made to ensure proper credit.
Other Payment Options:
Please contact our office for other payment options.
- DIRDWC_Assessment@dir.ca.gov
- Phone (415) 703-4280
Wait !
The payment screen should not be used to make any of the following payments:
- Lien Payments and Activation Fee
- Independent Medical Review
- Qualified Medical Examiner Fee
- Interpreter Certification Fee
Lien filing and activation fees should not be paid on the following page. Any payments made will not be applied to the lien.
Make a lien fee payment through the public information case search function. More information on how to file or pay for a lien is posted on the DWC website.
August 2024