eForm filers

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Electronic forms that are filled out on your computer and filed over the internet into EAMS are known as eForms.

To file eForms you must sign up for a logon and password and participate in a mandatory introductory training program. Start by reading and completing the e-form agreement.

For e-form filers

To sign up for e-form filing:


EAMS eFormsTraining Program:

  • EAMS Introductory eForms Participant Training – The introductory eForms training is a downloadable self-paced training module in the form of a PowerPoint presentation that new Primary Administrators need to review, in addition to reading the EAMS E-form Filing Reference Guide, before they are able to start e-filing. After the Primary Administrator finishes the presentation and confirms they have read the EAMS E-form Filing Reference Guide, they can email EFORMS@dir.ca.gov for a quiz that will test their understanding of e-filing in EAMS. Requests should include the assigned ERN, UAN, and “eForm Quiz” in the subject line. Please note that a minimum score of 15 out of 20 is required before a Primary Administrator will be given their logon credentials.
1234567 HARTER LAW SANTA ROSA Request for eForm Quiz
Request for eForm Quiz – 1234567 HARTER LAW SANTA ROSA
  • EAMS UDQ Training  – The unprocessed document queue (UDQ) training is a downloadable self-paced training module in the form of a PowerPoint presentation that assists Primary Administrators with understanding the types of errors that cause a batch to fail to the UDQ, as well as what happens to these batches after this occurs. E-filers that are identified as consistently having batches fail to the UDQ may receive limited access to EAMS until they complete this presentation and pass the UDQ quiz with a minimum score of 15 out of 20. Primary Administrators should email EFORMS@dir.ca.gov once they have successfully completed the UDQ quiz and reference their ERN, UAN, and “UDQ Quiz” in the subject line.
1234567 HARTER LAW SANTA ROSA Request for UDQ Quiz
Request for UDQ Quiz – 1234567 HARTER LAW SANTA ROSA
  • Starting in January 2023, a monthly drop-in meeting hosted in Microsoft Teams will be offered to Primary Administrators to give them the opportunity to ask e-filing or UDQ related questions to DWC-EAMS experts. Due to size limitations, participants will be pre-selected based on a rotating schedule. Details will be emailed to Primary Administrators with scheduled dates and times as this information becomes available.

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