Division of Workers' Compensation - Forums

Current forums

By clicking on the "Current forums" link above you will be taken to the Web page that lists active forum topics. This unique comment board utilizes the power of the Internet to improve community input into the process of developing the regulations which govern the operation of the state's workers' compensation system. It is also one of the methods we will use to carry out Government Code section 11346.45, which is intended to increase public participation in the rulemaking process. The Government Code section directs agencies to conduct pre-rulemaking discussion with members of the public on proposed regulations that are complex, or that are so numerous they would be difficult to review during the formal rulemaking comment period. We appreciate your participation in the forum, as the comments submitted are carefully considered by DWC and provide very valuable input as we refine regulatory proposals prior to formal rulemaking.

Comments you submit will be posted promptly, but not instantaneously. All comments are reviewed by the forum moderator before posting to ensure the comments do not contain improper material such as profanity or defamatory statements. The moderator will generally not respond to comments posted, but may do so if it seems appropriate. We ask you to observe the following rules for use of the forum.

  • Please use your real name and include a valid email address. Although your email address will not be posted, we might want to contact you to discuss your ideas further or to clarify some items.
  • Keep your comments reasonably brief and related to the topic at hand. The system limits each comment to a maximum of 3,800 characters. Anything beyond that cannot be submitted. If you wish to provide us with lengthier, more in-depth comments, you may include them in an email message sent to DWCForums@dir.ca.gov or mail them to Division of Workers' Compensation, P.O. Box 420603, San Francisco, CA 94142, Attn: DWC forums.
  • Comments will be accepted on each of the topics posted in a particular forum until the end date, which will be specified at the top of that topic.
  • The purpose of the forum is to solicit opinions from the public regarding the proposal posted. Therefore, your comments should relate only to the proposal that is posted. In order to protect the privacy rights of others, do not set forth any individuals' names or data concerning an injury that is linked to a uniquely identifiable employee, employer, claims administrator or other person pursuant to Labor Code section 138.7. If your comments contain any individuals' names or data concerning an injury that is linked to a uniquely identifiable employee, employer, claims administrator or other person pursuant to Labor Code section 138.7, the reference(s) will be removed by the moderator.
  • Do not post defamatory material, profanity or advertisements.
  • This is not the proper place to post complaints about the workers' compensation system in general or regarding a specific case.
  • If you have suggestions for forums or topics, please send them to us at DWCForums@dir.ca.gov.

If you would like to be placed on the mailing list for notice of formal rulemaking actions, please send an email to DWCRules@dir.ca.gov . Please include your name, organization name (if any), address and telephone number. If you would like to receive rulemaking materials by email instead of by U.S. Postal Service mail, please so indicate in the email.

DISCLAIMER: DWC is not responsible for the opinions posted on the site. The opinions posted on the site are not endorsed by DWC. The DWC does not make any representation regarding the accuracy of the comments posted.

October 2011