Training Materials
Resources that promote wildfire smoke protection are available in multiple languages for print order and download.
Email DOSHPublications@dir.ca.gov to order free printed copies of these resources.
For Download and Print Order
English | Español |
Fact Sheet for Workers: Workers exposed to wildfire smoke hazards |
Hoja informativa para trabajadores: Empleados expuestos a riesgos por el humo de incendios forestales |
Fact Sheet for Employers: Protecting Workers Exposed to Wildfire Smoke |
Hoja informativa para empleadores: Protegiendo Trabajadores Expuestos al Incendios |
Infographic: Worker Safety Wildfire and Evacuation Zones |
Infografía: Seguridad de trabajadores: humo de incendios y zonas de evacuación |
Fact Sheet: Wildfire Smoke Protection for School Employees |
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Respirators: Using Disposable Respirators (in English and Spanish) |
Respiradores: Uso de respiradores desechables (en inglés y español) |
Online Resources
You can call 833-579-0927 to connect with a live Cal/OSHA representative between the hours of 9 am and 7 pm to ask questions related to health and safety in the workplace. Bilingual representatives are available to provide information on topics like COVID-19, heat illness prevention, and wildfire smoke.
Invite Cal/OSHA to an event, or request a presentation or educational training by submitting an Outreach Request Form.
June 2023