Protection from Wildfire Smoke

Smoke from wildfires can be a hazard to workers even if they are not near the fire. The smoke contains tiny particles that can cause serious health effects. If the air is unhealthy due to wildfire smoke, employers must protect workers:
- Monitor the air quality
- Evaluate moving work to a location with healthy air
- Provide N95 respirators and training
Learn more about protecting workers from wildfire smoke in California:
You can call 833-579-0927 to connect with a live Cal/OSHA representative between the hours of 9 am and 7 pm to ask questions related to health and safety in the workplace. Bilingual representatives are available to provide information on topics like COVID-19, heat illness prevention, and wildfire smoke.
Invite Cal/OSHA to an event, or request a presentation or educational training by submitting an Outreach Request Form.
February 2023