Federal Fall Protection Trigger Heights for Residential Construction 2nd AC

Advisory Committee Meeting

Date Monday, Apr. 11, 2016
Time 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Location Safety Center of California
3909 Bradshaw Road
Conference Room, No. 107
Sacramento, CA 95827
Contact Michael Manieri (916) 274-5725


The committee will discuss Title 8 and Federal OSHA residential construction industry fall protection trigger heights with regards to necessity for either retaining California's existing 7 ½, 15 and 20 (roofing) foot fall protection trigger heights or amending these standards to require fall protection be provided whenever employees work above the lower 6 foot Federal OSHA trigger height.

* Please contact OSHSB@dir.ca.gov to request a copy of the Advisory Committee handwritten attendance sheets.


September 2020