Administrative Office Support
Provide analytical, clerical or technical support to DIR employees in areas such as Human Resources, Accounting, Business Services, Contracts and Procurement and more.
Join the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). DIR is a diverse, fast-paced and innovative agency. We have careers in many different fields.
Join us for a Career Fair.
Protect workers and help employers by inspecting workplaces for safety and health hazards as a Safety Engineer or Industrial Hygienist.
How to become a Cal/OSHA Field Inspector.
Prevent wage theft and workplace retaliation by conducting investigations or handling cases as a hearing officer. Read more about opportunities at the Labor Commissioner’s Office
Be part of some of the most innovative labor laws and workplace protections in the country. Help defend citations and investigations.
Attorney I-IV positions are posted online.
Our mission includes improving working conditions in California, ensuring benefits for injured workers and enforcing labor laws to prevent wage theft and help law-abiding employers with unfair competition.
Many DIR team members use bilingual skills and work with diverse communities. Our mission impacts all workers in California, especially low-wage workers.
DIR is looking for talented and passionate team members who can help us achieve our mission. With so many career options available, you can choose your path to success in different areas. Explore this alphabetical list below.
To view all current openings, visit CalCareers list of DIR careers now hiring
Provide analytical, clerical or technical support to DIR employees in areas such as Human Resources, Accounting, Business Services, Contracts and Procurement and more.
Protect the public by inspecting and issuing permits for permanent and portable amusement rides and tramways.
Consult with employers to develop apprenticeship programs for a skilled workforce. Work with stakeholders to promote apprenticeship as a viable career pathway.
Join our team of innovative legal professionals helping with some of the most advanced labor laws in the country. Represent DIR in workers’ compensation cases, civil litigation, provide legal advice on public works, prevailing wages, pending legislation or proposed regulations and more.
Combat wage theft by enforcing labor laws and ensuring workers in California are paid properly. Participate in targeted enforcement to combat the underground economy and identify labor law violations.
Protect workplaces and the public by inspecting and issuing permits for conveyances like elevators and escalators.
Enjoy a flexible work schedule and other benefits by working as a hearing reporter that records official proceedings related to workers’ compensation claims.
Help DIR build and retain a diverse workforce. Assist employees with personnel related matters, administer payroll and benefits and support the work of management or programs.
Protect workers from health hazards. Conduct inspections, investigations and sampling to prevent hazards by evaluating environmental conditions at workplaces.
Provide support of systems and services through the IT help desk. Provide management and oversight of IT-related projects. Develop and maintain software, cloud-based systems and telecommunication.
Join our team of innovative legal professionals. Legal support team members work with attorneys representing DIR in workers’ compensation cases, civil litigation, with legal advice on public works, prevailing wages, pending legislation or proposed regulations and more.
If you enjoy leading others, DIR has manager and supervisor careers. There are opportunities in the general Staff Services Manager series and in specialized classifications including Safety Engineer, Deputy Labor Commissioner and more posted on the CalCareers website.
Work with the unit responsible for investigating mines and tunnels for workplace safety and health hazards.
Use bilingual skills and community engagement to help DIR inform and educate the public about labor laws and workplace requirements. There are positions dedicated to outreach, and opportunities to do community outreach in your regular work while pursuing another career with DIR.
Protect workers from safety hazards on the job. Conduct inspections and investigations of accidents and complaints to prevent hazards by identifying violations and issuing corrective action plans.
Help ensure injured workers get benefits to recover and return to work. Monitor the administration of workers compensation claims, provide support and judicial services in an effort to resolve disputes related to workers’ compensation benefits.
Our Core Values are essential to everything we do. DIR values accountability, integrity, compassion, diversity, service and innovation.
At DIR, we cultivate a diverse and inclusive work environment that is reflective of the people we serve. We actively encourage a workplace in which all employees are respected and valued, can contribute their full and unique talents and are recognized for their contributions to DIR.
Team members have the opportunity to participate in groups such as our monthly Diversity and Inclusion Committee and Disability Advisory Committee meetings, events and more to help support our diverse work environment.
We invest in our team by offering a benefits package and professional development opportunities. Additional information on benefits can be found on the CalHR website.
DIR includes divisions, boards, commissions and programs that work towards our mission. Our work involves enforcing California's labor laws and workplace requirements, administering programs for injured workers and advancing opportunities for profitable employment. Read below about the four primary divisions that make up our department.
Cal/OSHA protects and improves the health and safety of workers in California by conducting on-site visits, investigating workplace hazards and complaints and developing corrective action plans to prevent future accidents and hazards. Cal/OSHA creates publications and educational materials, consults with employers to help them meet requirements, engages the community through multilingual outreach and more.
The Labor Commissioner’s Office (LCO) determines, investigates, and enforces some of the most advanced labor laws in the country covering wages, overtime, breaks, retaliation, public works, sick leave and vacation pay, workers' compensation insurance coverage, child labor, cash pay, unlicensed contractors and more. LCO also protect workers from retaliation, combats wage theft, resolves wage claims for unpaid wage disputes, helps workers that experience immigration-related threats at work and educates workers on their rights.
The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) makes sure injured workers receive the benefits they are entitled to for work-related injuries and illnesses. This involves giving information and assistance to the public, monitoring the administration of workers compensation claims and providing administrative and judicial services to assist in resolving disputes related to claims for workers' compensation benefits.
The Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) helps employers build their workforce by creating apprenticeship programs that allow workers to earn while they learn the skills for a career. Apprenticeships are a viable career pathway for a skilled workforce. Consultants travel around the state to work with employers and assist with the development of apprenticeship programs.
The application process includes three steps:
Join us at an upcoming career fair to learn about working for DIR, current job openings, the examination process and why we are a destination employer.
Recruitment questions?
February 2024