LCP Enforcement Forms and Resources

The following forms have been developed for use by Labor Compliance Programs in enforcing prevailing wage requirements.  In most cases these are suggested rather than mandatory forms and should be modified or supplemented as necessary to provide whatever information is called for on a particular form or item.


The regulations governing LCPs were substantially revised in 2004 and 2008 (effective 1/21/2009), and additional revisions were made in 2010 at the same time regulations were being adopted to implement SBX2-9. Further minor revisions were adopted as part of the 2011 rulemaking to revise the SBX2-9/CMU regulations. Documents showing how the text of LCP regulations were amended are available to the public upon request to the Office of the Director at

Other Information and Resource Materials for LCPs

Director’s General Prevailing Wage Determinations

Public works coverage determinations

Division of Apprenticeship Standards - Public works projects information

Public Works Manual

Revised September 29, 2020