Workers' Compensation Reforms

California's workers' compensation system has been the center of intense debate and legislative activity over the past several years. The most dramatic reforms in the history of California workers' compensation began in 2003 with the adoption of evidence-based medicine guidelines, the application of those guidelines though a mandatory utilization review process, and the repeal of vocational rehabilitation. These were rapidly followed by the adoption of employer-selected medical provider networks and a new approach to permanent disability evaluation. Then in 2012 another round of comprehensive reforms were passed. This section describes the large-scale changes enacted in recent years.
Reforms of 2012
Senate Bill 863 was passed on Aug. 31, 2012 and was signed into law by Governor Brown on Sept. 18, 2012. The bill makes wide-ranging changes to California's workers' compensation system, including increased benefits to injured workers and cost-saving efficiencies. Major areas addressed include a Independent Bill Review (IBR) process, a new Independent Medical Review (IMR) process, new lien filing fees, a revised Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) process, new or updated fee schedules, changes to factors allowed in calculating Permanent Disability benefits, and the creation of a disproportionate earnings loss adjustment return-to-work fund. The bill took effect on Jan. 1, 2013, although not all of its provisions were effective immediately.
Reforms of 2003
Assembly Bill 749
- CHSWC and AB 749
- CHSWC and AB 749 as amended - October 2002
Workers' compensation and the California economy
- Workers' compensation and the California economy, April 2000
- Update: Workers' compensation and the California economy, December 2000 - Project description
Evaluation of workers' compensation cost and benefit changes since the beginning of the reforms
(special study at the request of the Legislature)
- Report workers' compensation costs and benefits after the implementation of reform legislation, August 1999
- Executive summary impact of the 1993 reforms on payments of temporary and permanent disability
- Summary estimating the workers' compensation reform impact on employer costs and employee benefits - Project description
Baseball Arbitration - provisions of labor code section 4065
Evaluation of labor code section 5814 penalty provisions
- Issue paper on labor code section 5814, April 2000
- Background paper on labor code section 5814, March 1999
Evaluation of the Division of Workers' Compensation (DWC) Audit Function
(Special Study at the Request of the Legislature)
- CHSWC Report on the Division of Workers' Compensation Audit Function - Executive Summary December 1998
Medical-Legal Study
- Evaluating the Reforms of the Medical-Legal Process Using the WCIRB Permanent Disability Survey - Executive Summary - 1997
Vocational Rehabilitation Study
- Vocational Rehabilitation Benefit: An Analysis of Costs, Characteristics, and the Impact of the 1993 Reforms? - August 1997
Evaluation of Treating Physician Reports and Presumption
- Doctors and Courts: Do Legal Decisions Affect Medical Treatment Practice? 2002
October 2018