DWC and WCAB Continue to Expand Services at the District Offices
Since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis in March, the Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has worked hard to ensure the continuity of its services to the workers’ compensation community. District offices continue to hear all cases either via teleconference or by video.
In an additional measure to keep DWC and the workers’ compensation community safe, DWC has not accepted any walk-in documents or walk-through documents since March. Documents have only been accepted via e-filing, JET filing or by mail during this time. Recently, DWC issued a Newsline further encouraging the workers’ compensation community to file documents by e-filing or JET filing due to the limited availability of staff in our district offices.
The Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) recently issued an en banc decision suspending Regulation Section 10789(c) on walk-throughs. This change allows DWC, effective January 11, to now offer a “walk-through alternative” in the Lifesize video conferencing platform. Instructions on using that platform may be found on the DWC website.
District offices will be available for walk-throughs Monday through Friday, from 2 to 4 p.m. only. Walk-throughs will be available only for a Compromise and Release, or Stipulation with Request for Award at this time. To be heard, the documents must be filed at least 24 hours ahead of the walk-through appearance, by either JET filing or e-filing. Documents filed by U.S. mail must be available to the judge in EAMS prior to the walk-through.
DWC has previously posted instructions on how to e-file settlement documents. The walk-through procedure will be handled via the Lifesize virtual courtroom which will be available for each office. A list of links for each office may be found here. The link for each virtual walk-through courtroom will not change. It should be noted that a judge will handle as many walk-throughs as are feasible for the day. The order in which a judge will hear the walk-throughs will be up to the judge handling that day’s matters. We encourage parties to file proposed orders to assist the judge with handling the matter more expeditiously.
DWC understands that parties may want to walk-through other documents. However, at this time walk-throughs are limited to only a Compromise and Release or Stipulation with Request for Award. Limits will be based on both availability and pursuant to the DWC/WCAB Policy and Procedural Manual section 1.25.
DWC will be monitoring the impact of this program and will look to expand hours and documents allowed in the future based on staffing availability.