DWC Announces Free Online Access to Evidence-Based Treatment Guidelines for Medical Providers
Oakland—The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) announces that medical providers who treat injured California workers can now have free online access to the State’s Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule (MTUS) guidelines.
“Medical providers in California should ensure that treatment decisions for injured workers are based on the best available evidence,” said George Parisotto, DWC Administrative Director. “By providing these guidelines free of charge, we are removing barriers that we expect will improve quality of care and reduce friction in the utilization review process.”
Licensed healthcare providers who treat California injured workers can use MDGuidelines: CA MTUS-ACOEM Edition to quickly search the latest evidence-based recommendations incorporated into the State’s MTUS. Providers who perform qualified medical evaluations, utilization review or independent medical review can also register to use the online tool free of charge.
The MTUS, a set of regulations based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, has adopted treatment guidelines developed by the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM). In most cases, medical treatment that is reasonable and necessary to cure or relieve an injured worker from the effects of injury means treatment that is based upon the ACOEM treatment guidelines.
Providers must register in order to gain access to the site administered by the Reed Group. The site includes online training webinars and instructions. Users can email MTUS@reedgroup.com for more information.
The Division of Workers’ Compensation monitors the administration of workers’ compensation claims, and provides administrative and judicial services to assist in resolving disputes that arise in connection with claims for workers' compensation benefits.