Index 2019-1 San Diego basic trade journeyman rates

General prevailing wage determinations
made by the director of industrial relations

Pursuant to California Labor Code part 7,
chapter 1, article 2, sections 1770, 1773, and 1773.1

Page Determination Holidays,
scope of work,
travel &
27C Building/Construction Inspector and Field Soils and Materials Tester +
No increase *
22 Carpenter
31 Cement Mason
No increase *
28 Cranes, Pile Driving and Hoisting Equipment (Operating Engineer) +
No increase *
23 Drywall Installer (Carpenter)
29 Laborer (Building Construction)
No increase *
30 Laborer (Engineering Construction)
No increase *
30B Landscape Irrigation Laborer
25 Operating Engineer +
No increase *
18E Parking and Highway Improvement (Striping, slurry & seal coat operations-Laborer)
32 Teamster
No increase *
18-B Tree Maintenance (Laborer)
24 Tunnel (Operating Engineer)
No increase *
30C Tunnel Worker (Laborer - Engineering Construction)

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+   Includes shift pay determinations.
*   A single asterisk after the expiration date of a determination indicates that no increase is required for projects advertised while that determination is in effect.  The determination remains in effect until it is canceled, modified, or superseded by a new determination by the Director of Industrial Relations.  A new determination will become effective 10 days after it is issued.  Contact the Office of the Director - Research Unit at (415) 703-4774 after 10 days from the expiration date, if no subsequent determination is issued.

To view the above current prevailing wage determinations, current predetermined increases, and the current holiday, advisory scope of work, and travel and subsistence provisions for each craft, you must first download a free copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader available by clicking on the icon below:

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