Alternative workweek elections database - Search Instructions
- Fill in one or more fields
- Capitalization is ignored
- Word order is important. For example, Plumbing ABC does not match ABC Plumbing.
- Filling in part of a company name will provide all records with that part in the name name. For example, elect matches D&Z Microelectronics, Davis Electric, and Select Personnel Services.
- A blank field matches anything. For example, leave the city field blank and records in any city will be found.
- Spaces between words are important. For example, 123 Mainstreet will not match 123 Main street.
- There is no means provided to conduct "or" searches. For example, while there are matches for electric, and matches for electronic, searching for electric or electronic will produce no results.
- Searching with a partial query and an asterisk, *, as a wild card will find all records that contain that partial query.