Study of Division of Workers' Compensation's (DWC) audit function
Background In April 1998, the Senate Industrial Relations Committee and the Assembly Insurance
Committee jointly requested that the Commission undertake an evaluation of the
effectiveness of the DWC audit function. Description The Commission project team researched the issue and conducted thoughtful discussions
with DWC audit unit management and staff, the audit study advisory committee
and other community members. The research team found that the audit procedure did not include all insurers
within a reasonable period of time, did not focus on the worst performers and
concentrated penalties on relatively inconsequential violations. Under those
procedures, locations are rarely subject to random audits and almost never subject
to targeted audits. The study participants concluded that although much time and effort was being
expended by the DWC audit unit in performing audits of workers compensation
insurers, a redirection of these activities would produce more effective outcomes.
Recommendations The Commission recommended revisions to the audit function, in order to: Provide balance to the audit process: The Commission recommends the replacement of current audit procedures with
the following: Further information
The 1989 California workers compensation reform legislation established
an audit function within the Division of Workers Compensation (DWC) to
monitor the performance of insurers, self-insured employers, and third-party
administrators to ensure that industrially-injured workers were receiving proper
benefits in a timely manner.
The results of the routine audits should be used to:
Status: completed
of workers compensation audit function, 1998