Index 2016-2 general prevailing wage journeyman determinations
General prevailing wage determinations
made by the director of industrial relations
Pursuant to California Labor Code part 7,
chapter 1, article 2, sections 1770, 1773, and 1773.1
The effective date of each determination is ten (10) days after the issue date. (8 CCR § 16000). The general determinations are issued twice a year (February 22nd and August 22nd) and go into effect ten days thereafter (March 3rd in a leap year and March 4th in a non-leap year for determinations issued on February 22nd, and September 1st for determinations issued on August 22nd).
To locate a particular journeyman craft or classification's prevailing wage determination, holiday, advisory scope of work, or travel and subsistence provision, please follow the six steps in the table below:
Step one |
First examine if your craft's determination is among the basic trades that apply to most counties in California. |
Step two (A) |
If you have not found your craft in step one, check this area to see if your craft's determination is one of Northern California's basic trades. |
Step two (B) |
If you have not found your craft in step one, check this area to see if your craft's determination is one of Southern California's basic trades. |
Step three |
After following steps one and two (B), examine this area if your project is in San Diego County. |
Step four |
County determinations (subtrades) - excel format |
If you have not found your craft in steps 1, 2, or 3, choose the county where work is being performed to examine the subtrades. HTML format. |
Step five |
County determinations (subtrades) |
Examine the county (if shown) where work is being performed to see if your classification has a shift differential pay determination. HTML format. |
Step six |
Check the important notices to see if any corrections, interims, or modifications have been issued that may apply to your determination. |
To ensure that you are able to view all current prevailing wage
determinations, predetermined increases, and current holiday, scope of work,
travel and subsistence and shift provisions, you must have a copy of Adobe Acrobat and a
copy of Microsoft Excel 2003. If you do not have the programs
necessary to open these files, you can obtain the free Reader and Viewer
programs below:
Click on
this icon to download a copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader program.
If you cannot find a job classification needed to execute a contract in the Director's general prevailing wage determinations, please contact the Office of the Director - Research Unit, P.O. Box 420603, San Francisco, CA 94142, (415) 703-4774. Because it may necessitate a wage survey, you should allow 45 days prior to the bid advertisement date for such request. Include in your request the project name or bid number, the classifications needed, job description if available, the bid advertisement date, and location of the project(s).