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Release Number: 2021-15
February 8, 2021

DWC Issues Notice of Emergency Regulation to Re-Adopt Measures to Assist Medical-Legal Evaluations During COVID-19

The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has issued a Notice of Emergency Regulation Re-Adoption to extend current measures that allow workers’ compensation claims to move forward during COVID-19 restrictions.

Emergency regulations § 46.2 and § 36.7 are set to expire on March 12, 2021. This re-adoption would extend the emergency regulations for up to an additional 210 days in accordance with Executive Orders N-40-20 and N-66-20. After this re-adoption, DWC can seek one final re-adoption.

Re-adopting the emergency regulations will continue to help employers and injured workers move workers’ compensation claims toward a resolution and avoid undue delay. These regulations provide for how a medical-legal evaluation can occur and alternatives for service of required forms for a medical-legal evaluation and report. 

DWC will file the re-adoption of the emergency regulations with the state’s Office of Administrative Law (OAL) on February 16, 2021. The regulations can be found on the DWC website.

For information on the OAL procedure, and to learn how you may comment on the emergency regulations, go to the OAL’s website.

Upon OAL approval and filing with the Secretary of State, a notice will be posted on the DWC website.