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Release Number: 2021-126
Date: December 20, 2021

DWC Issues Notice of Proposed Emergency Rulemaking Action for Medical-Legal Evaluations in Response to COVID-19

The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has issued a Notice of Emergency Regulatory Action to address the ongoing need for telehealth medical-legal evaluations and office location flexibility resulting from various state and local public health safety measures.  These emergency regulations will help injured workers and employers continue to move their workers’ compensation claims towards a resolution and avoid additional and undue delay.

The emergency regulations will be filed with the state’s Office of Administrative Law (OAL) on December 28, 2021 and can be found on DWC's proposed regulations webpage.

OAL has up to 10 days to consider and approve emergency rules. Upon OAL approval and filing with the Secretary of State, such regulations are effective for 180 days. If during this 180-day period the Division determines the need to readopt the emergency regulations, it may do so for an additional 90 days. For information on the OAL emergency regulatory procedures and to learn how you may comment on these emergency regulations, please visit OAL’s website.

A notice will be posted on DWC’s website when these emergency regulations become effective.