The Office of Self-Insurance Plans Adopts New Reporting Regulations Affecting Self-Insured Employers
The Department of Industrial Relations’ Office of Self-Insurance Plans (OSIP) has promulgated regulations that require public self-insured employers to submit reports with the information needed to evaluate the administrative cost, workers’ compensation expenditures, solvency and performance of public self-insured employer workers’ compensation programs. These regulations became effective on July 1 and include the addition of the following new reporting forms:
- Joint Powers Authority Self-Insurer’s Profile and Financial Summary Report (Form J-1)
- Self-Insurer’s Profile and Financial Summary Report (Form P-1)
- Aggregate Claims Information (Form AR-2 Addendum)
The reporting forms for public self-insured employers are posted online. They must be submitted with the 2019-2020 annual report, which is due on October 1, 2020 and annually thereafter.
Employers who require additional time to comply with the regulations this year should contact OSIP Chief Lyn Asio Booz at LAsioBooz@dir.ca.gov to request an extension. Deferrals of up to 60 days may be granted to employers who can demonstrate that they may not be able to comply with their reporting requirement.