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Release Number: 2020-107
December 28, 2020

DWC Posts Updated MTUS Drug List Effective February 1, 2021

The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has issued an order updating the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule (MTUS) Drug List effective February 1, 2021, pursuant to Labor Code section 5307.29.

The Administrative Director’s update order adopts changes to the MTUS Drug List based on the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) Practice Guidelines, published by Reed Group, Ltd., including the following:

  • New drug recommendations addressed in the Antiemetics Guideline
  • Updated Guideline References for desvenlafaxine succinate

The updated MTUS Drug List v.8 and the Administrative Director’s order can be accessed on the DWC MTUS drug formulary webpage.

DWC welcomes comment on the formulary drug list at Formulary@dir.ca.gov.