DWC Invites Physicians and Pharmacists to Apply for Appointment to the Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee for 2021-2022 Term
The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) invites California licensed physicians (medical doctors or doctors of osteopathy) and pharmacists to submit applications to serve on the workers’ compensation Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee.
The Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee advises the DWC Administrative Director on updates and improvements to the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule’s drug formulary. The Administrative Director appoints members of the committee pursuant to Labor Code section 5307.29. The committee meets quarterly and members serve a two-year term. The initial appointments to the committee were made in 2018 and the terms of five members are expiring soon.
Applications are currently being accepted to fill five positions on the committee, two physician positions and three pharmacist positions. Current members are eligible to reapply to serve on the committee for another two-year term. The application form, conflict of interest disclosure form, and regulations setting forth committee member qualifications and duties are posted online. Committee members serve as volunteers without compensation, and are reimbursed for some travel expenses.
DWC requests that completed application packages be submitted to the address listed on the application form by the close of business on Friday, February 5, 2021. Questions about the application process can be emailed to formulary@dir.ca.gov with the subject line “P&T Application Question.”
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