Division of Workers’ Compensation Medical-Legal Fee Schedule Amendment Update
The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) is providing an update on the development of amendments to the Medical-Legal Fee Schedule. The division is close to finalizing the fee schedule, and intends to begin the rulemaking process by the end of the year and will hold a public hearing in early 2020.
The development of the draft amendments included comprehensive review by those who work in and utilize California’s workers’ compensation system. The division posted proposed amendments in May 2018 and after soliciting proposals and obtaining feedback from the industry, posted a revised proposal last August incorporating input from stakeholders including medical providers, public and private employers, attorneys, insurance carriers, advocates and policymakers. The division continues to meet with stakeholders as it refines its proposed amendments and fixed fee schedule to improve the quality of medical reports, eliminate complexity factors and increase fees for medical-legal testimony.
Updates on the proposed regulation including information on the public hearing will be posted on DWC’s proposed regulations webpage.