DWC Invites Physicians to Apply to Fill a Vacancy on the Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee
The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) invites California licensed physicians (medical doctors or doctors of osteopathy) to submit applications to serve as a volunteer member of the workers’ compensation Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee. DWC will be filling one physician vacancy on the committee. DWC thanks Dr. Rajiv P. Das, M.D. for his valued service to the committee in 2018 and 2019.
The role of the Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee is to advise the DWC Administrative Director on updates and improvements to the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule’s drug formulary.
The committee will meet no less frequently than quarterly. DWC Executive Medical Director Dr. Raymond Meister will chair the meetings, which are open to the public.
The application form, conflict of interest disclosure form, and regulations setting forth committee member qualifications and duties are posted online. The initial term of appointment is two years.
DWC requests that completed application packages be submitted to the address listed on the application form by the close of business on January 3, 2020. Questions about the application process can be emailed to formulary@dir.ca.gov with the subject line “P&T Committee Application Question.”