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Release Number: 2019-87
November 14, 2019

California Celebrates National Apprenticeship Week with the State’s First Public-Private Apprenticeship Program

Sacramento—During National Apprenticeship Week this year, California’s Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) will participate in a signing ceremony marking the launch of the state’s first apprenticeship program between the public sector and a private company.

The California Department of Technology, Department of Motor Vehicles, Franchise Tax Board and Employment Development Department are the first agencies in California to collaborate with IBM via the company’s New Collar apprenticeship program to train state workers for skills in three in-demand technology fields: mainframe systems administration, application development and software engineering.

“This innovative program demonstrates the power of apprenticeship to improve the skillset and earning capacity of the state’s workforce,” said DAS Chief Eric Rood. “New pathways have been created for state workers to pursue information technology careers.”

Today, DAS will join the state agencies for the signing of the apprenticeship program standards at the Department of Technology Training and Education Center in Rancho Cordova. Employees of the four departments will complete either a 12 month or 18 month program depending on the occupation, including education in collaboration with American River College and work-based training at their respective departments under the guidance of SEIU Local 1000 and IBM, in order to be certified to work in their respective new occupation.

Several other events are planned across the state for National Apprenticeship Week. These events promote efforts to expand the talent available to U.S. industries and offer workers a chance to earn while learning new skills.

The California Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) consults with employers to develop a skilled workforce with viable career pathways to increase productivity and strengthen our economy.