WCAB Posts Proposed Updated Rules of Practice and Procedure for Public Comment
The Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) has posted a proposed reorganization and renumbering of its Rules of Practice and Procedure (Rules) for public comment.
WCAB’s Rules are found in the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, commencing with sections 10300 - 10999. WCAB is reworking the organizational structure of the Rules which were initially adopted in 1966, as they no longer accommodate the number and complexity of Rules adopted in the modern era. The reorganization is intended to do the following:
- Organize articles to reflect the order of events in a case
- Eliminate duplicative rules
- Break up complex rules
- Simplify and modernize language of rules for clarity
- Create additional space between rules, so that additional rules can be added without the need for decimals.
WCAB invites the public to comment on the notice, draft regulations text and initial statement of reasons on its rulemaking page prior to engaging in formal rulemaking under Labor Code sections 5307 and 5307.4. Comments may be submitted by email to WCABRules@dir.ca.gov or by mail to:
Workers' Compensation Appeals BoardAttn: WCAB forums P.O. Box 429459
San Francisco, CA 94142- 9459
The forum will close on July 5. The comments received will be reviewed and considered for adoption. WCAB will then submit the complete package of reorganized and revised Rules, along with the required forms and other documentation, to the Office of Administrative Law on July 30 to begin formal rulemaking. WCAB anticipates holding a public hearing on the reorganized and revised Rules on September 24, 2019.