DWC Posts 2018 Audit Unit Annual Report and the Ranking Report
The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has posted the 2018 DWC Audit Unit annual report on its website. The Audit Unit annual report provides information on how claims administrators audited by the DWC performed and includes the Administrative Director’s ranking report for audits conducted in calendar year 2017.
The 2018 Audit Unit annual report details the results of audits conducted in 2017 and provides the name and location of each insurer, self-insured employer, and third-party administrator audited during that time. This report to the Legislature summarizes audits conducted in accordance with Labor Code sections 129 and 129.5 to assure that injured workers, and their dependents in the event of their death, are provided with all benefits due them in an expeditious manner. The audit findings, by law, must detail the number of files audited, the number and type of violations cited, and the amount of an undisputed compensation found due and unpaid to the injured worker. The audit findings presented in this report are statistical and do not identify any individual injured worker. The Labor Code provides that contents of the claim files and the Audit Unit working papers are confidential.
Performance of insurers, self-insured employers, and third party administrators subject to profile audit review and full compliance audit is rated in accordance with the performance standards set annually by the Administrative Director. The DWC Administrative Director’s 2018 Audit Ranking Report lists, in ascending order by performance rating, the administrators audited in calendar year 2017.
The Audit Unit report can be found on the DWC website.