Release Number:
January 10, 2019
DWC Posts Updated MTUS Drug List Effective February 15
The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) Administrative Director George Parisotto has issued an Order updating the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule (MTUS) Drug List effective February 15, pursuant to Labor Code section 5307.29.
The Administrative Director’s update Order adopts changes to the MTUS Drug List, based on the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) Practice Guidelines, including the following:
- Addition of drugs addressed in the Traumatic Brain Injury Guideline
- New and Revised, Drug Recommendations (related to the Traumatic Brain Injury Guideline)
- Designation of additional drugs as “special fill” eligible, due to treatment recommendation in the Traumatic Brain Injury Guideline
Additional information regarding the MTUS drug formulary may be found on the MTUS Drug Formulary webpage.