Judgments Referred to the Judgment Enforcement Unit
Some workers owed wages, known as judgment creditors, will be offered the opportunity to have their judgment referred to the Judgment Enforcement Unit (JEU) for collection. If your judgment has been referred to JEU an assigned JEU Deputy may be assigned. JEU deputies collaborate with creditors to identify recovery opportunities and develop optimal outcomes.
To collect your unpaid wages, JEU will need your active participation in helping identify the assets of the employer, known as the debtor. Examples of assets include bank names, client/customer names and addresses, list of businesses and locations, information on specialized licenses, and real estate property addresses. Upon identifying asset information, the Judgment Enforcement Unit will take action to recover your unpaid wages. If you have not already completed the WCA 5 form, do so as soon as possible and submit it to the assigned Judgment Enforcement Deputy.
If you are not already in contact with a JEU deputy, please contact us at (916) 263-2999 or JEU@dir.ca.gov. Be ready to provide your case number and list of assets.
If you have a judgment entered against you or your company, please contact us for resolution at (916) 263-2999 or JEU@dir.ca.gov. Please note that judgments accrue 10% interest until date of full satisfaction. In addition, the Labor Commissioner, may recover attorney’s fees and costs if our office is required to take judgment enforcement action against you. See Labor Code § 98.2(g).
Payment Plans and Settlements:
A payment plan or settlement may be an option for you if you or your company are experiencing financial hardship. Financial hardship must be supported by providing financial documentation such as bank statements, tax documents, and profit and loss statements.
If you have entered into a payment plan, the Labor Commissioner will not send you monthly statements, or routinely provide you with balances owed. You will need to keep track of your payment due date, assure timely delivery of payments, and keep track of current balances.
Failure to adhere to the stipulations of the payment plan or settlement, or negotiating in bad faith, may result in the Labor Commissioner taking additional legal action. The Labor Commissioner maintains the right to enforce judgments and take legal action against you or your company where you fail to adhere to the stipulations of your payment plan or settlement.