Cal/OSHA Reminds Employers to Prepare for Hazards from Power Outages during Heat Wave
Cal/OSHA is reminding employers to protect workers by being prepared for the hazards of power outages during the heat wave.
Employers in California have to maintain an Emergency Action Plan to keep workers safe during a fire, power outages and other emergencies that can impact worksites.
To protect workers, employers have to take steps to prepare worksites for power outages, including:
- Lighting – emergency backup power is required for lights needed during an emergency.
- Doors – All powered doors must be able to be opened manually in a power outage.
- Ventilation – Stop work that requires electrically powered ventilation until power is restored.
- Machinery and equipment – Shut off electrically powered equipment during an outage and stay clear of moving parts when the power returns.
- Generators – Ensure generators are used safely, including only using generators outdoors and ensuring they are properly grounded.
Read more on Cal/OSHA’s webpage Protecting Workers When there are Power Outages.
Employers who have questions or need assistance with workplace health and safety programs can call Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Services Branch at 800-963-9424 or their local Cal/OSHA Consultation Office or email Workers may file confidential complaints about workplace safety and health hazards through their Cal/OSHA district offices.